Being able to take the pulse of your team with the Polls app and a better iPad experience are just some of the improvements that came to  Microsoft Teams this summer.

FormsPolls in Teams icons

Teams now has an even stronger partnership with Forms and is excited to introduce a number of new features and improvements to teams, chats or meetings by using the Polls app either before or during a meeting to get dynamic feedback.



Here’s a quick summary of Microsoft’s enhancements:

  • They have replaced the Forms app within Teams with a new app named Polls—making it much easier for people to add polls to their chats and meetings and get results in real time.
  • You will be able to find the Polls app when searching in the Teams app store (via the side bar or top nav bar in a meeting) or from a message extension flyout menu.
  • They have added a new poll question type called Rating which allows you to provide feedback with scaled symbols.
  • A new poll animation appears after people have entered a response, providing a dynamic confirmation that their votes have been successfully submitted.
  • They have improved the poll results view to be a more intuitive and easy-to-read experience, with enrichments such as color indications and dynamic results.
  • You can see a list of your recently created polls so that you can re-use your past polls in new meetings and save time.

Teams Polls app

Microsoft also improved the Teams experience for iPad users by making it more responsive to screen size, orientation and display modes. Teams for iPad





Be sure to visit Feedback on any Help tab in Office to let Microsoft know what’s working well, what’s not, and any ideas or suggestions for possible new features!

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