Word Navigation Pane

The Navigation Pane in Microsoft Word (both Desktop and Online versions) offers a trifecta of benefits when working in large documents such as creating an automatic outline to quickly jump to important content, a thumbnail view of each page in your document, and advanced search content options. Located on the View ribbon in the Show grouping, just click the Navigation Pane checkbox to display this versatile tool on the left side of your Word Desktop interface.

Here are the three features of the Navigation Pane in Desktop view and how they can help you be more productive in your documents:

  1. Headings. Just as this command states to quickly navigate to important areas of a document you need to apply Word’s built-in heading styles (located on the Home ribbon in the Styles grouping) to key words or phrases.  When you use Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3 styles Word automatically creates an interactive outline of your document content. It’s a great way to keep track of where you are or quickly move your content around by the drag and drop method!
  2. Pages. Would you like to see a quick visual of all the pages in your document? This feature of the Navigation Pane displays a numbered thumbnail view (in color!) of the actual content on each page. Just click on any thumbnail to quickly jump to that particular page.
  3. Results. Word can help you find just about anything in your document including key words or phrases, comments, footnotes or endnotes, tables – even graphics! Use the search document field to find (and replace) text with highlights included or select the options arrow to filter your search by other settings.

In Word Online select Navigation on the View ribbon and the Navigation Pane docks on the right side of your screen and offers in addition to the Headings feature described above only Find and Replace features associated with text search commands.

Take a look at the Navigation Pane in Word Desktop: